Many great ideas for blog posts were suggested in class today. In keeping with preparation for the upcoming essay on Romeo and Juliet, I'm choosing two ideas that relate to theme and motif in the play. Pick one of these two options to blog about this week:
Option 1: Fate. The characters in Romeo and Juliet believe that much of what will happen in their lives is determined by the positions of the stars and heavens occurring at birth. Research the unique astrology associated with your birthdate and time and discuss in several paragraphs whether or not you think your findings have any relevance to your own life. Tie in your findings and your feelings about astrology to the theme of the predetermination of fate in Romeo and Juliet. Use examples throughout act three as support.
Option 2: Dreams. Dreams and the dispute over their relevance help set the stage for what will happen in the play. Dreams become a motif - characters have premonitions and do not act on them, often resulting in negative consequences. Write about a dream or feeling of foreboding you have experienced and what action, if any, you took to prevent it from coming to fruition. Also, which character's opinion of dreams do you more closely align with and why: Romeo or Mercutio? Finally, discuss the impact of the motif of dreams throughout the third act of the play, with several examples supporting your ideas.
Choose one option and address each aspect of that option, writing several thought-provoking paragraphs in response. Your response should reflect a sensitive understanding of the theme of fate or motif of dreams in the play through act three.
Post and comment by Friday, May 7.
Robert The Great
8 years ago
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