Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taylor Swift Off Limits

Okay, too many of you are posting Taylor Swift's "Love Story." From now on, that reference to Romeo and Juliet is now off limits. If you used it prior to this post, it's okay (but kind of unoriginal!)

Push yourself to write about something no one else has thought of!

Due tonight, with a comment.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Culture Shock

As you immerse yourself in Romeo and Juliet you should be becoming aware of the pervasiveness of the story's impact on modern culture. References to the play are everywhere - from kung fu movies to rappers to current box-office date flicks. The enduring characters are even given modern voices and personas via Twitter.

Find something (preferably something not referred to in the previous paragraph) that references the timelessness of Romeo and Juliet. You could find a picture, post a link to an article, embed a video, copy song lyrics or just blog about a specific instance where you noticed the play being referenced in modern culture. See the bulletin board in class for inspiration.

Make sure the reference is clear and your reaction to it is clearly and cleverly always, quality writing is worth the time.

Post and comment by Friday, April 30.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Extra Credit Blog: English Reflection

Here is your extra credit blog assignment, due Monday, April 12.

You have been blogging about English class for seven months now. Your blog posts are primarily assignments requiring you to respond to literature and the content of the class. For extra credit I'd like you to come up with an original blog post that reflects on your English experience. The blog is your personal place to write about English class - make your response personal and an example of your own creative flair with words. When I read your post I should think, "that is so (insert your name.)"

We've covered a lot of material since September - you've memorized and recited poetry, diagrammed sentences, read and annotated classic novels, and probably said or heard the word "motif" more than you would have ever thought possible. What do you have to say about all this?